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Farewell to an amazing woman.

Here we are at the tail end of the Fall 2015 semester. I want to thank the people in my groups for understanding the time I had to take in my Mother-in-Law's passing. What an amazing woman she was! Immigrated to the States with 4 children and scraping a future for them all by working every day of her life. Cleaning the house religiously to the point where the concrete in their garage actually looked polished! I'm in real estate and I never came across anything like that. She spoke a language of love where her actions spoke for her. Always having warm food for everyone for breakfast before she went off to work. Always calling her children daily (unless they made her upset :P). Always giving of herself in effort and money.

She invested in her children and I only wish her 15 year battle with cancer allowed her a few more years to enjoy the fine people they all became. We had planned a Hawaii trip with the entire family to celebrate her 70th birthday next year. In her final moments, she was surrounded by her husband, all four children, and their spouses. She opened her eyes after 2 days of being unresponsive and looked at each of us in turn. Minutes later she went on to be with God, survived by 4 children and 8 grandchildren. Her youngest and only son had his own first baby boy just 1 month prior. She was complete in that sense.

Looking back, we are all comforted to a degree that her final passing was fairly quick. Since she passed just before Thanksgiving, her services were pushed back till Nov 30th and Dec 1st due to the backlog. This may have been a blessing, in that her children were able to prepare a beautiful service at Sky Chapel in California

where she had expressed she'd like to have the wake. Almost 400 people gathered to pay their respects and the smell of the flower arrangements gave a poignent reminder of both the beauty and the short span of time we have on Earth before we move on.

I thank God, that she was a christian. And we all take solace that all of us, who believe that Jesus is our savior, will be reunited with her when we are also called. Bless her and the examples her life has imprinted on us all.

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