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Cobble Game Assets

Starting in Fall 2015 our team for COSC 469 began work on Cobble which will contintue for 2 semesters.  This 3D game in Unity will be an RPG showcasing Cobble, a robot created by the lone survivor of a space station named Alana.


Cobble's purpose is to move through the junk yard planet to gather the parts Alana needs to build a rocket.  Alana's earliest memory is her parents putting her into an escape pod to the junk yard planet.  Alana is driven to return to the orbiting space station to discover why things happened the way they did.


This is my Level created in 3ds Max and Unity of the Furnace Stage of the Junk Yard Planet.  A boss robot will be added in the center that has scoop hands and a mouth opening up to the furnace beneath. 



Here are some 3D Assets I created in 3ds Max.  The "COBBLE" items in the name will double as in game assets/quest items.  The Flyer Robots and the Forklift Robots will have varying game roles depending on the time our team has to program AI and develope puzzles for each level.


(The Robot on the forklift next to Alana was created by a teammate)







"Alana" the last survivor of an orbital space station and the creator of Cobble.  There is a secret in Cobble's creation that Alana may learn if she ever manages to leave Junk Yard Planet.

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